NEXT UPDATE: June 22 @ 1 pm PST


Hello everyone!

This is a short and small(ish) (and super informally written) "mission statement" from me, Tori, creator and operator of Stix Design. First and foremost, I would like to extend an enormous thank you to everyone who has stuck by me and supported me. Your continuous love and encouragement has allowed me to continue creating wonderful art for you all.

In terms of my "mission," which is, of course, to create beautiful jewelry for anyone and everyone, I also want to help people. This has always been my goal from day one, and those who know me personally can hopefully attest to this statement. The opportunity to take advantage of my privilege and share my blessings with others is the most important thing to me. With that being said, now that Stix Design is a little more solid on its feet (again, thanks to you all who have supported me), I am finally able to do exactly that.

Starting at the end of July 2020, I will be donating a portion of my monthly earnings from Stix Design to a different charity. If you have any charities that you would love to see me donate to next, please feel free to shoot me a message on my contact form, on my IG (@stixxdesign), on my Twitter (@toristixx), or my email ([email protected]).

Again, thank you everyone for making this possible, and I hope to continue creating in a way that you all love :)




July 2020

>> Coalition for the Homeless

This month (July 2020), I will be donating to the Coalition for the Homeless. The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that develops and implements cost-effective strategies to end homelessness in New York City. Since 1981, they have worked through litigation, public education, and direct services to ensure that these goals are met. 

New York City accounts for just over 14% of the nation's homeless population and 85% of the population recorded in the state of New York. During this time, the homeless population, who usually do not have access to health care, are particularly vulnerable to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak and have much higher rates of underlying health issues. As a result, the Coalition for the Homeless is working around the clock to ensure that those without shelter receive the help, assistance, and protection they need. 

If you would like to help but cannot donate, click here


August 2020

>> Lebanese Red Cross (1/2)

This month, one of the two organizations I'll be donating to includes the Lebanese Red Cross. In response to the explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, the Lebanese Red Cross is the main provider of ambulance services. Their services include: emergency medical services, medical and social services, blood transfusion services, disaster management, etc.

If you would also like to help, please click here for a comprehensive list regarding various organizations you can donate to (as well as methods if you do not have the funds at the moment). 

>> American Red Cross (2/2)

The second organization that I will be donating to for the month of August is the American Red Cross in response to Hurricane Laura. Hurricane Laura is one of the most powerful storms to have ever hit the U.S., and Red Cross is working tirelessly to help assess damage, provide meals, water, snacks, relief items, medication, and so forth.

If you would like to help, please click here.


September 2020

>> The Child Mind Institute

The month of September is National Suicide Prevention/Awareness Month and is a time to particularly acknowledge those affected by suicide and raise awareness. Given the current pandemic and the economic stress, social isolation, and uncertainty of life, suicide prevention and mental health awareness is more important than ever.

The Child Mind Institute is a national nonprofit that is dedicated towards "transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders." The organization provides clinical care, research and open data sharing with the scientific community, and information & resources about children's mental health to increase conversation. 

If you would also like to help, please click here


October 2020

>> Color of Change

For the month of October, I will be donating to Color of Change. This nonprofit is a civil rights advocacy organization that was formed after Hurricane Katrina in order to help strengthen the voices of Black people living in America and address the racist, political, and economic injustices. I particularly wanted to donate to this organization for the month of October after reflecting on the past four years of our previous presidential administration - now that our country is finally on the right track again following the election (#BidenHarris), I hope to see positive change and live in a country that is less plagued by racism and discrimination and outright bigotry. 

If you would also like to help, please click here.  


November AND December, 2020

>> Save the Children Philippines (1/2)

For the months of November and December, I will be combining my donations in order to contribute a greater amount to the two (2) organizations. 

The first organization I will be donating to is Save the Children Philippines, which will be responding to the needs of families who were affected by Typhoon Rolly that devastated the country from October 26, 2020 to November 6, 2020. This typhoon resulted in over $392.5 million in damages and 500k+ lives displaced. Save the Children Philippines is among one of the many organizations working towards providing life-saving necessities. 

If you would also like to help, please click here

>> Blue Dragon Children's Foundation (2/2)

The second organization I will be donating to is Blue Dragon Children's Foundation, which is providing relief to Vietnam as a result of Typhoon Molave. This organization is focusing on long-term recovery and rebuilding in the coming months in order to help those who have lost their livelihoods and homes. In addition to this work, Blue Dragon Children Foundation also works with "street kids, runaway children, victims of human trafficking, children with disabilities, young rural-urban migrants, kids affected by drugs and HIV/AIDS, homeless families, child prisoners, and the rural poor. 

During my senior year of high school, I took part in a year-long project where I researched the issue of human trafficking and worked towards spreading awareness/resources in my local communities. With that being said, Blue Dragon Children's Foundation holds a special place in my heart because of their work, which has led to almost 1,000 people being rescued from trafficking and 602 runaway children being reunited with their families. 

If you would also like to help, please click here.  


January-March 2021

Due to some private/personal circumstances, I was not able to allocate a portion of my shop update earnings to charities. Rest assured that when I am once again able, I will resume these monthly donations :)